Today's BrewDebut features a couple of our standards. Fresh batches of IPA Blanco and Tricycle are set to pour. Next week is a touch more adventurous with a few Pale Ale and our Cocoa Espresso Mint Stout. Good stuff all around!
IPA Blanco (White IPA) - Tulip (16 oz) - $5
You have an affinity for Witbiers, Wheat Ales, and IPA's? Hmmm…so do we. As a matter of fact, we enjoy each style to such a degree that one morning we elected to brew all three - at once. Prepare to revel in the outcome. The foundation for IPA Blanco is laid by traditional Belgian Wit grains (Pilsen / White Wheat / Oats) and spiced with cracked coriander, orange and grapefruit zest. Hops bound straight out of an IPA recipe (Cascade / Centennial / Columbus) and the yeast straight off a batch of American Hefeweizen. This fusion of beer styles results in a hazy, spirited brew proud to be part of the American Nanobrewery Hybrid Ale Revolution.
OG: 1.064, IBU: 67, ABV: 7.0%
Tricycle (Cream Ale) - Pub (16 oz) - $4
Resting upon three wheels pointing in different stylistic directions sits this hybrid of an ale. Wheel #1 spins toward a cream ale, another approaches a wheat, and yet a third rolls near a pale ale. Working together they drive Tricycle to a slightly sweet and citrusy state backed with just enough hop bitterness to remain upright. Ride On!
OG: 1.052, IBU: 32, ABV: 5.9%