SingleSpeed Brewing in Cedar Falls



Posted on December 9, 2015 in SingleSpeed Brewing


As we approached our 3rd Birthday we thought long and hard about an ale fit for such an occasion. No matter which direction conversation went, it led back to here.  A secret no more, we present to you, It's CLASSIFIED.  CHEERS!

It's CLASSIFIED (American Double IPA) - Tulip (13 oz) - $6
As big as we have gone, but don't tell your palate, as it would never know.  This 10.2% ABV American Double IPA is blessed with the drinkability of it's typically much more approachable sibling, the Amercian IPA.  Filled with fruity, piney aromatics and flavor notes.  Happy 3rd Anniversary to all and to all a good night!!!!
OG: 1.088, IBU:62, ABV: 10.2%

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