SingleSpeed Brewing in Cedar Falls


This Event has expired.

Pint Night Ride June 6, 2019

Partnering Non-profit Organization:  Cedar Valley Sports Commission & FONDO Cedar Valley

Live Music:  Ryne Doughty

Join us for a leisurely ride to our Waterloo location for a bite to eat and a beverage or two. Utilizing some of the Cedar Valley's best (and flattest) trails, ride your bike with new friends each ride. Register/check-in at either Bike Tech - Cedar Falls or Waterloo Bicycle Works, and your first beer will be on SingleSpeed & Bike Tech's tab.

We'll be riding the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, beginning April 26th thru October 18th, so mark your calendars today (see list of dates below).

Waterloo Start

Registration: 5:00pm at Waterloo Bicycle Works (316 W. 3rd St - Waterloo, IA).  All new riders will have to register at each location, please allow 5-10 minutes before ride departure.

Departure Ride:  5:30pm group departs from Waterloo Bicycle Works, arrives at Bike Tech at 6pm and prepares to join them on the... 

Return Ride to SingleSpeed:  6:15pm group start from Bike Tech (217 Washington St - Cedar Falls, IA)

Food, Fun, & Drink:  6:45 to 8:30pm

Cedar Falls Start 

Registration: 5:30pm at Bike Tech (217 Washington St - Cedar Falls, IA). All new riders will have to register at each location, please allow 5-10 minutes before ride departure.

Departure Ride to SingleSpeed:  6:15pm group start from Bike Tech 

Food, Fun, & Drink:  6:45 to 8:30pm

Return Ride to Bike Tech:  8:30pm group start from SingleSpeed 


All ages ride, however we require that riders under the age of 18 are accompanied by an adult
Signed waiver at Bike Tech in Cedar Falls
Helmet (no helmet, no ride)
Lights, front and rear (No lights, no ride. Must be on at all times while riding.)
Love of bikes, trails, & beer

* This ride is proudly brought to you by SingleSpeed Brewing Co, Bike Tech, Waterloo Bicycle Works. 

HOORAY NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS! - This year we have partnered with some of our favorite, local non-profit organizations, and will be donating 10% of all food & beverage sales generated in our Waterloo taproom (4pm-10pm) to each group each week.  We obviously want to see you on your bike with us, but whether or not you choose to pedal, grab your friends, your family, whoever it is you want to socialize with, and come our way in support of the local organizations working hard to make life a little better for us all.


Thursday, June 6, 2019

5:30pm - 8:00pm

SingleSpeed Brewing Co.
325 Commercial St.
Waterloo, IA 50701
