SingleSpeed Brewing in Cedar Falls


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Free Environmental Film Screening: Right to Harm

Join us as we host a free film screening with the Cedar Prairie Group Sierra Club.

Through the riveting stories of five rural communities, RIGHT TO HARM exposes the devastating public health impact factory farming has on many disadvantaged citizens throughout the United States. Filmed across the country, the documentary chronicles the failures of state agencies to regulate industrial animal agriculture. Known formally as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations – or CAFOs – these facilities produce millions of gallons of untreated waste that destroys the quality of life for nearby neighbors. Fed up with the lack of regulation, these disenfranchised citizens band together to demand justice from their legislators.


Monday, December 16, 2019

7:00pm - 9:00pm

SingleSpeed Waterloo Taproom- Party Room
325 Commercial St
Waterloo, IA 50701